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Location: Nebraska, United States

I am a stay-at-home mom to 2 children, Ryan and Alexa. My husband and I are high school sweethearts who have been through college, medical school, residency, and fellowship together. He just started his practice in orthopaedic spine surgery in our home town.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I need to stop waiting so long in between posts. I am going to try really hard to post something most days and catch up on my reading of them. Forgive me if I haven't commented in awhile. I will get back to it soon.

This weekend was crazy. It was super nice here which caused us to get in the Spring cleaning mode. The garage was our victim . We took everything out, used the air compressor to spray out the corners and under shelves of who knows what, and then used the pressure washer to spray out all 3 garages. I wish I would have taken before pictures. It was a huge mess, but it looks fabulous now.

Throughout the weekend, I also painted Alex's room. The color doesn't show up very good in pictures, but it is a really pretty color called Lawn Frost. We still need to put some pictures on the wall, but you get the idea. She is loving her new bed and has done well at staying in her bed. So far, we have only had one night of Supernanny, so not too bad.

Saturday night we had 3 couples over to play cards (and eat). Two of the couple are our neighbors (one behind us and one next door). They are the best neighbors. Our families have so much fun together, especially in the summer. Since there are no fences separating the 3 houses, the kids spend a lot of time running between each others homes. Sunday the kids must have spend about 7 hours outside playing. It was great! So ready for spring and summer! The adults (only) came over Sat. night and we played cards, listened to music, talked, and ate all sorts of yummy foods until 1:30 in the morning! We had not planned on staying up so late, but we were all having a great time. (Doesn't Jim look like he is really enjoying himself, surrounded by the 3 ladies. I think I need to add myself to the picture next time.)

The week started off great with an amazing piece of good mail from Amanda. Thanks soooo much! I love it!! The kissed were eaten immediately by myself and the kids. Alex wanted the magnetic notepads, but no way was I sharing those. I love the different labels she included as well. I am so spoiled!

Today I go to the doctor to see if I can take my boot off. Wish me luck! I am tired of dragging this thing around. Have a great Tuesday!

Crap! The boot has to stay on for another 2 weeks. He said it is healing nicely, but it is still REALLY tender when he pushes on it. He said the place where the fracture is can be difficult to heal and if you aren't careful, a person can get reaccuring stress fractures. I don't want that, so I will just have to suck it up and wear this stinky thing for 2 more weeks!

I will post my SPT tomorrow on SPW (haha- I just made that up so I wouldn't feel like such a slacker). It is raining outside today and I can't get the picture I want.


Blogger Kelly said...

I hope your boot comes off! Good luck!

Lawn frost huh? That sounds like the exact color I have in my mind for one of our rooms. I'll have to go check it out.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Kari said...

Bridget, in reading your post I felt like our lives are so parallel right now!!

I have also spent the last part of last week and Saturday painting my daughters room. Though we didn't clean our garage we have had several sets of neighbors over and I too, feel like we have some of the best neighbors!!

And, like you, I layed off the blogging for a few days -- just too busy!! I hope they let you get your boot off!!

8:43 AM  
Blogger Kari said...

Oh, and I forgot to say Alex's room looks darling! I love the color and the decorations, furniture!! Very cute! Nice job!!

8:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hoping you get to give the boot "the boot!"

8:51 AM  
Blogger Bridget said...

Kelly- The paint came from Sherwin Williams, if that helps.

10:10 AM  
Blogger donna said...

WOW your daughter room is so CUTE:)

It sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend.

I also enjoy getting together with friends. Eat, play games and eat some more. Fun times. Next time call me. heeheehee.
Have a wonderful spring day!

10:29 AM  
Blogger jenny said...

Garages are a HUGE project. I can't wait for the Gordon's to test out their new power washer and hopefully show me a few tips on using it sometime in the near future.

I hope the doctor gives you good news and you are able to start the training again. Alex's room looks great (as does the garage). Yes, and Jim does look like he isn't enjoying himself (HUmmmmm). :)

12:16 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

We need to clean out our garage. Next sunny Saturday I'm sure we will be using our new power washer.

Alex's room looks so cute. Love her bed, too. Where did you get it? I haven't decided to transfer Maryn just yet. Maybe soon, oR NOT!

SOrry about the boot havin gto stay on longer. That stinks. Hopefully the extra time will mean you want have any more problems with it.

1:01 PM  
Blogger Kari said...

B - Just saw that about your boot. That stinks!!! But I guess it's better this way to prevent more damage and misery later.

1:11 PM  
Blogger carlo said...

love the goodmail and so so so sorry about the boot. better safe than sorry though, right? :)

your game nights sound like fun. cute pic of your hubby with the women.

3:34 PM  
Blogger jenny said...

Sorry about your boot. I guess better to be safe than sorry right? You wouldn't want to hurt is all over again. Big hugs from me :)

5:55 PM  
Blogger andrea said...

Your garage looks great. That is one of my favorite spring jobs. We did it last weekend. WE had so much dirt from our tires.

Looks like fun times with the neighbors. Sorry about your boot. Hopefully you survive the next 2 weeks.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

Wow, cleaning the garage with an air compressor and a pressure washer I'm officially jealous. My garage cleaning next approaches that kind of thoroughness.

Sorry about 2 more weeks in the boot, hopefully it will be good and healed by then.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Lucy said...

blasted boot! I'm sure you are very frustrated. Here's a hug!

Your garage really does look great (and spacious). I swept mine out today but it needs some more work. I hope your weather returns to springier temps soon!

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Alex's new room-it is sooo cute! It looks like you guys have gotten a lot done-cleaning out the garage is always a big project-awesome job:)

Jim looks like he is enjoying it-as would of Aaron-hee! hee! Hope you have a great week:)

8:26 PM  

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